The library at the Buffalo Museum of Science has an "illuminated manuscript" at the door giving patrons information about the library and how the books are organized within the library.
There are comfortable leather sofas with the current periodicals.
The library has a small children's section with a fun carpet, bean bags, and a lot of books.
The library has a resident cat named Lily. She was watchful as I walked around the library.
There were houseplants and flowers all around the library.
Antique scientific instruments were placed on shelves throughout the library.

The research library still maintains a card catalog. They have had a comput-
erized catalog for less than a year. All new
tions go into the computer, the older items remain on cards.
The library maintains glass front bookcases for the very old books.
This library was the only place moveable stacks were seen.
Antique tables, chairs and bookcases were placed in various locations.
The library had birds and small animals on display on a couple bookshelves.